Donald Trump to Headline Tea Party Rally in Columbia, S.C.

The TEA Party Group, Taxed Enough Already, announced that Donald Trump, will speak May 19 at the S.C. Statehouse in Columbia from 6-8 p.m.

Expect more F-bombs, likely directed at government taxes and the handling of the economy. Will he attack Obama, who is enjoying such a high approval rating?
I expect not only will he attack Obama, but he will attack the media and it’s Obama bias. He will tell Tea Party members that they are not stupid enough to forget about the economy and how the U.S. is losing jobs to China.

Lastly, the rally is right before the Apprentice Season Finale on May 22. Trump is certain to say or do something to encourage people to watch. It will be interesting at the very least.

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Is Trump Engaged in Self Promotion or Serious Contemplation?

In April of 2011 Donald Trump has been engaged in either a brilliant promotion of his popular television show “The Apprentice” or is seriously contemplating running for President in 2012.  Though a strong argument could be made that Mr. Trump is simply trying to strengthen ratings for his popular television show, the truth is that Donald is interviewing for job of President of the United States.  How could this lowly amateur blogger be fooled by his crafty self promotion you ask?  I am fooled into believing that Donald Trump is so worried about the economic state of the U.S. economy, he may believe that the only way to save it is by taking the position of CEO.  If he believes he can win, he will run.

All signs point to serious contemplation.  Donald Trump is exploring if he has a snow bat chance in hell at getting the Republican nomination.  He knows as an Independent Party candidate he has no chance of winning the popular vote.  To get the Republican nomination you must rally the base supporters as well as get the support of the Tea Party.  What better way to garner support of the base than to bring up the issue of Obama’s birth certificate being fully disclosed.  I think that Donald Trump knows that Obama was born in the United States, but he also recognizes that efforts have been made to keep his actual birth certificate either undisclosed or that the record has been lost.  Some speculate the reason the undisclosed birth certificate may be the fact that his parent’s religion was disclosed as Muslim, his parents were not married, or that he was given a different name that was changed during adult-hood.

If the record had anything that would negatively affect Obama, the document has certainly been “expunged” by now.

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So, what was the result of Donald Trump questioning the lack of disclosure of Obama’s original birth certificate? He is now the leading GOP candidate according to recent polling by the Public Policy Polling

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One thing is for sure. Donald is here to stay. Any until the season finale of “The Apprentice” on May 22 he will continue to make headlines and be talked about