Spotlight on Donald Trump 10/3/2012 Presidential Debate

In the first Presidential debate on November 3rd, 2012 Donald Trump was in the spotlight during the discussion of tax rates for small businesses. Obama argued that his definition of small business does not included Donald Trump. Romney argued that these larger small businesses employ the larger percentage employees in the United States.

The domestic debate focused largely on the economy, the deficit contributing to the national debt, and taxes. The candidates were contrasted on their ideas of how tax rates should be changed to deal the current spending deficit. Romney argued that tax rates should not increase for any bracket and that his principles for any new tax policy would be no tax rates increases, no tax changes that increase taxes paid by the middle class, and increases in revenue should be achieved by updating deductions in the tax code. The revenue reduction would be made up by economic growth and reducing reductions. Obama believe that tax rates for those making over 250k should be increased back to their levels during the Clinton years in order to achieve the needed revenue to support domestic programs. They both stated they believe that tax rates for corporations should be decreased using deductions specific to activities as incentive for domestic growth. Romney argued that Obama is largely ineffective at getting any type of legislation related to taxes passed due to bipartisanship. Obama argued that being a leader means sticking to your ideals and saying no to bad policy. He argued that Romney did not have a clear plan and the math did not support that a reduction would make up for reduction of tax rates without raising tax rates on the top brackets. Romney argued that it was more important to lay out ideals as opposed to specifics to achieve bipartisan support. Obama characterized Romney’s plan as one that would reduce taxes for the wealthy. Romney characterized Obama’s plan as a roadmap to the same economic failure and high tax rates we now see in Spain and across Europe.

If you missed the debate, below is a link:

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Donald Trump Will Not Run in 2012

Donald Trump announced today that he will not be a candidate in the 2012 presidential election.

Trump’s Statement:
This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country. I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election. I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector.

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Donald Trump Speaks in Nashua, New Hampshire

Donald Trump spoke at a political event in Nashua, New Hampshire where he detailed his reasons for opposing Obama and the current U.S. problems.

Donald Trump’s description of the event.

Here’s the speech.

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Donald Trump to Headline Tea Party Rally in Columbia, S.C.

The TEA Party Group, Taxed Enough Already, announced that Donald Trump, will speak May 19 at the S.C. Statehouse in Columbia from 6-8 p.m.

Expect more F-bombs, likely directed at government taxes and the handling of the economy. Will he attack Obama, who is enjoying such a high approval rating?
I expect not only will he attack Obama, but he will attack the media and it’s Obama bias. He will tell Tea Party members that they are not stupid enough to forget about the economy and how the U.S. is losing jobs to China.

Lastly, the rally is right before the Apprentice Season Finale on May 22. Trump is certain to say or do something to encourage people to watch. It will be interesting at the very least.

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Donald Trump Quiet, Obama’s Approval Rating Soars

Donald Trump is not creating many headlines these days. Obama has enjoyed a nice approval rating bump. As of today 60% of Americans approve of the job he is doing. The death of “Bin Laden” may affect the 2012 election more than Trump. Suddenly people approve of Obama’s handling of the economy, foreign affairs, and other matters of the office: Ap-GFK Poll

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Next up, the U.S. will withdraw troops from the Middle East and give it back to the Taliban and Iran. All the people who helped us and their families will be murdered. America’s foreign policy. Well it starts with the drum beats of war by people, media, Congress, and the President. We then go in and bomb the place to hell. Clean things up a little bit, and then the voters at home get tired with war “over there”. Once we achieve some type of moral victory, we pull out and leave the place for some new “boogie man” to take over. Who gets hurt? The innocent goat farmer and his family. We always lose the end game because we do not have any real leaders in this country. Special interests and mob rule. When corporation no longer benefit and the mob gets tired of something, whether in the long-term interest or not, no Washington D.C. politician will support it. And my rant is over.

So, Donald Trump is no longer on the attack. He is letting Obama have his day in the sun. With some economic indicators, like last Friday’s job report, showing improvement, I wonder if Trump will re-analyze running. Since he would be sure to endure a huge wave of negative publicity, he will not run unless his numbers people say he has a good shot of winning.

His chances will go as the economy goes and I am not alone in this line of thinking

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Good News for Donald Trump in CNN Poll?

In a Poll conducted by CNN, Donald Trump still has a considerable showing with 14% of Republicans showing support. In a Poll with a margin of error of 4.5%, he trailed Mike Huckabee by only 2 points. With Mitt Romney at 13 percent, nobody has really separated themselves as a leader in the field of GOP potential candidates.

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Also according to the poll, 64 percent of Americans have a negative view of Trump. Should Donald Trump decide to run and win the GOP nomination, he will have work to change his public perception after playing to his base by questioning Obama’s citizenship and credentials. This calculated move has yielded results in getting support from Republicans. Republicans are looking for a candidate that is willing to challenge and fight Obama. Trump fits the bill.

According to Trump, he is Obama’s worst nightmare:

Trump’s next major move will likely be to make his official announcement to run and then turn to more substantial issues from a conservative position. He will stress the economy, jobs, and foreign trade policy.
He will likely conservatively support more controversial issues by taking the position that it is not a Federal, but issues of State’s rights.

If jobs and the economy continue to falter and Trump can survive the way of media criticism he will no doubt attract, being branded an outsider and not a career politician could benefit him in the general election.

Is GOP at Fault for Donald Trump’s Traction in the Polls?

“You want to be president, get out there and stake your claim–make your mark,” Steele said on ABC’s “Top Line” Monday. The GOP Presidential hopefuls are not making a case as viable opponents to Obama.

Video Link to Steele’s complete comments.

As misguided as many people will consider Trump’s efforts, his success is because he is willing to get in the ring and oppose Obama.

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Trump Coverage Shrinks by Death of Bin Laden

As would be expected, the media coverage of Donald Trump’s calculated antics have shrunk to almost nothing.

As he likely knows, the only play at this point is to give credit to Obama. Trump, being a New York resident and having financial ties in the NY economy knows as well as any Americans the effects of 9/11. The loss of life was the greatest effect, but the resulting strain on the economy was felt by New Yorkers.

Trump’s Tweet of Congratulations.

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A point of irony is that NBC’s coverage of the Bin Laden story started during the final minutes of Trump’s popular television show The Apprentice.

For at least the next few weeks, partisan politics will be put on hold as America feels a sense of unity as it remembers those that were victims of 9/11. Republicans and Democrats will both be playing up their respective administration’s role in the successful mission that ended Bin Laden’s time on earth.

The news will most certainly inspire Americans and hopefully build consumer confidence. The economy and jobs will likely play the biggest role in 2012 elections, but Bin Laden’s death under Obama will strengthen his case to the America people on national defense. Bin Laden’s death will overshadow the weak U.S. foreign policy in supporting the democratic movement in countries such as Libya. The U.S. has taken a back seat role to NATO and France in supporting the resistance against the Libyan government. This weak role may be calculated by Obama to have a greater effect as American intervention in the Middle East is never popular to people in that region.

Obama chance for re-election grows/declines with the economy.

Seth Meyers Roasts Trump at White House Correspondent’s Dinner

On the lighter side of things, Seth Meyers, an American actor and comedian spoke at the white house correspondent’s dinner. The header writer for Saturday Night Live, roasted Donald Trump with jokes. Trump is in the crowd and his reaction is show.

Donald Trump doesn’t appear amused or think it’s funny. My guess is that he will respond by saying that the administration doesn’t take China, Jobs, and the Economy serious.

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Is Donald Trump a Racist?

Is Donald Trump a Racist?

Many in the media are calling Donald Trump’s questioning of Obama’s qualification to attend an Ivy League School racist. Here is an example Huffington Post Article saying that Donald Trump played the race card.

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Is this an issue where Donald Trump is saying that Obama benefited from affirmative action? Could it be that Trump believes that questioning Obama’s education is just another way to discredit his opponent?

A viewpoint that is picking up steam in the media is that Donald Trump’s remarks on Obama’s education are racist. Whoopi says she is playing the race card and calling his remarks racist.

I this is a calculated move by Trump to keep himself in the news cycle. As soon as the birther issue ended, he makes remarks that on face value are not racists, but for many African Americans it would be difficult not to feel the remarks are a black and white issue.

One thing that is interesting is that Donald Trump is framing the Presidential Race to be Trump vs Obama. Where is the media coverage of other GOP hopefuls?

Whether you love him, hate him, take him serious or think he is a hosting a circus, Trump is doing what it takes to get his hat in the ring and name in the 2012 presidential race. Go to your local coffee shop and ask someone who is running against Obama and you are sure to hear Trump’s name.