Donald Trump is not creating many headlines these days. Obama has enjoyed a nice approval rating bump. As of today 60% of Americans approve of the job he is doing. The death of “Bin Laden” may affect the 2012 election more than Trump. Suddenly people approve of Obama’s handling of the economy, foreign affairs, and other matters of the office: Ap-GFK Poll
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Next up, the U.S. will withdraw troops from the Middle East and give it back to the Taliban and Iran. All the people who helped us and their families will be murdered. America’s foreign policy. Well it starts with the drum beats of war by people, media, Congress, and the President. We then go in and bomb the place to hell. Clean things up a little bit, and then the voters at home get tired with war “over there”. Once we achieve some type of moral victory, we pull out and leave the place for some new “boogie man” to take over. Who gets hurt? The innocent goat farmer and his family. We always lose the end game because we do not have any real leaders in this country. Special interests and mob rule. When corporation no longer benefit and the mob gets tired of something, whether in the long-term interest or not, no Washington D.C. politician will support it. And my rant is over.
So, Donald Trump is no longer on the attack. He is letting Obama have his day in the sun. With some economic indicators, like last Friday’s job report, showing improvement, I wonder if Trump will re-analyze running. Since he would be sure to endure a huge wave of negative publicity, he will not run unless his numbers people say he has a good shot of winning.
His chances will go as the economy goes and I am not alone in this line of thinking
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